garance, j'taime.

Happy hump day, ya'll.

I've been trailing Garance Doré since the first time I saw her featured on the Sartorialist about two years back. After discovering her own blog, I continue to be constantly filled with girlish envy every time I find myself perusing her photos and illustrations. Her effortless style and her ability to spot the subtleties in the style of others puts such a smile on my face. In fact, I can only imagine that if I were to meet her I would be so overcome with nervousness and giggles that it would completely knock down the wall of coolness that I have spent the last 21 years of my life trying to build up.

See for yourself!

I like looking at the French version of the site. It makes me feel frilly and fancy.

image by Garance Doré


Came across this montage-a-la-montag this morning and haven't been able stop staring at it since. Admittedly, I am a huge Hills junkie, but after seeing the picture above, and watching this video, I've had a very uneasy feeling and am seriously doubting if I will be able to continue watching next season (or ever sleep again).

I really can't wrap my head around this. I know that there is no way I can possibly come to understand the pressure that accompanies a career completely reliant on physical appearance, but still. At twenty three years she's barely two years older than me and these pictures break my heart. Doesn't she look sad? I want so badly to barge into her house, interrupt her threesome with Spencer and Jesus, and shake the silicone out of her.

In writing this blog I love looking for fun quirky things that make me (and hopefully you!) smile, so I apologize for being such a downer.  I am just so puzzled by this complete transmogrification. I don't know what else to say :(

"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." -Albert Einstein

I found this blog called simple song that I really love. It's a catalogue of simple, lovely things that are meant to inspire. It really is just lovely! Thank you Bill Withers for giving me the perfect song to listen to on this lovely, lovely, LOVELY occasion :)

The author of the blog is a letterpress designer and printer. Pretty neat to see some of his inspiration and where his idea's begin to bubble. To see his work go here.

change comes from within.... your wallet

If everyone in the USA gave $1 to help Haiti, it would add up to approximately $304, 059, 724

text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief Efforts in Haiti

love dis

These pictures are from the fall/winter 2009 Collection of TALC boutique, a children's clothing line based in Paris, France. Their current spring/summer collection is just as delicious, but the coziness factor for fall/winter can not be beat. Not only do I wish I was fifteen years younger so I could snuggle up in all of these clothes, I also wish I knew where these children lived so I could kidnap them.

I want to start wearing crowns.

Let the wild rumpus start!

For years I've hated having a small bedroom. I felt trapped by the confines of four walls far too close in proximity, and smothered by an overflowing closet and too much furniture. I know what you're thinking; you poor thing! What's a girl to do?

Well build a fort of course!

Small spaces are the best landscape for the sweetest forts, and after seeing this posting (forts! forts! forts!) on for a fort building contest I was completely inspired. The idea is to take note from Max in Where the Wild Things Are and build that quintessential private place that is a perfect personal getaway. 

I particularly like Spencer Kalender's. No fuss, nothing fancy, just straight up good fortin'. And who knows what could be inside!!??

Lately I've been so stressed out about upcoming post grad/general life plans, but not today. I don't want to grow up! I don't want to edit my resume! I don't want to think about how broke I'm going to be after I graduate! I want to build a fort! Today is fort building day!

..... just don't tell my mom, k?

the face of domesticity

Because I'm sure when Lourdes comes home from her bi-weekly eyebrow wax this is what's greeting her in the kitchen, right?? Right.

Seriously though. Since the demise of her fingerless gloves and romps in the bedroom with Vanilla Ice, I generally don't consider myself to be a huge Madonna fan, but, I love these shots. Taken for the spring 2010 Dolce and Gabbana campain and shot by Steven Klein I just came across them again after seeing it about a month ago... felt the need to whip out the ol' scanner.

new years sux

I don't like that much about New Years. It kind of seems like any other night to me except that the next day it's another year... which isn't that exciting and certainly doesn't seem like something to celebrate.

I do like this stuff though:

I guess if I'm going to take anything away from this stupid holiday, it should be how much I love Peppermint Patty. Aside from the fact that she's a bit of an air head (anyone remember when she didn't know that snoopy was a dog and referred to him as the funny looking kid with the big nose?), she is seriously cool (she always has a candy cigarette up her sleeve and can throw a good party). Additionally, this is a chick who goes after what she wants (Charlie Brown, in particular), she always stands up for herself and will always have your back.

While I might not start wearing sandals year-round, I am going to aspire to be a bit more like Peppermint Patty in 2010. New years resolution: resolved.

"Happiness is a warm puppy, and a B+, and good friends."
-Peppermint Patty

    gettin' nasty

    Don't get me wrong, Scott Schuman is my boy. His updates always (always) bring a smile to my face, and drive me to the edge of absolute sartoriaLUST. In fact, it is with great thanks to him that I have recently redirected my love and affection to a new blogger/street style photographer. After recently buying Schuman's book and spending hours flipping through the pages, putting post-its on my faves, and googling the few subjects he chose to discuss, I found Sophie Arancio.

    She makes me wish i hadn't dropped french after grade ten... or had at least paid attention up until that point. The blog is entirely en français, but that hardly matters. It's simply a reminder that regardless of diction, discourse or dialect, fashion has the ability to transcend so many boundaries: particularly language.

    love her love it loveyaaaaaa