A Serious Banger

I am a self proclaimed anti-marriage, wedding loving gal.
While I do not necessarily see myself getting married, I'm not entirely apposed to the idea of this social institution. The decision for a man and a woman to establish themselves, and to live as husband and wife by legal commitment, a religious ceremony, etc, is great if that's what you're into... just not really for me. I'm more into the fun stuff that goes along with the wedding process.
Thanks to TLC, I've been known to spend hours at a time agonizing over whether or not the gang at Kleinfeld's will be able to make that bride-to-be say YES to the dress. And if making fake registries at Tiffany's, Crate and Barrel and William Sanoma is a crime, then lock me up and throw away the key.
Lately I've been really hooked on wedding blogs, particularly Max Wanger. Instead of the posed, fake and cliché wedding/engagement pictures you normally see, his pictures are so real and beautiful and make me want to jump into my computer screen and hug these couples who are so in love, and are generally really good looking in an indie and alternative kind of way.
Take a look for yourself. I dare you to look at these pictures and NOT smile.
http://www.maxwanger.com/ or http://www.maxwangerblog.com/
max wanger,
say yes to the dress,
A girl's gotta eat
Have you ever ordered your bacon double cheese burger (with extra cheese and big mac sauce with a supersized coke and fries) and stopped to consider asking if they would stick your entire burger in the deep fryer?
Have you ever combined all the leftovers in your fridge to make something spectacular? Leftover turkey, flank steak, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, grilled vegetables, cole slaw, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and corn all together on a foot long bun? Thanksgiving may have just ended but it looks like Christmas came early this year!
If either of these scenarios sound at all familiar to you then prepare for a coronary (or some major inspiration depending on how sick/similar to me you are)
this is why youre fat <----- click that, fatty!
jammin' out

Some great and wonderful things to say about this site. Not only does it provide tons of wasted time and lots of amusement... it also puts up quite a great front.
now don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about. how often do you walk by someone in the library and roll your eyes when you see them looking at perezhilton or checking their facebook instead of doing what (you judgmentally think and know) they should be doing?
yeah, that's right... ALL THE FREAKING TIME
now don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about. how often to you try out different angles; tilting your screen up and down, try to find a secluded area or cubicle in a library so that someone doesn't walk by and roll their eyes when they see you looking at perezhilton or checking your facebook book instead of doing what (they judgmentally think and know) you should be doing.
yeah, that's right... ALL THE FREAKING TIME
aite so here's the deal. GraphJam, albeit not the most amazing website eva, has its really great moments. plus it's FULL OF GRAPHS so when you take a study break and peruse it no one will judge you. if anything they'll think you're super smart and are looking up statistical information on the world wide web.
judging a book by its cover
I'm one of those people who will always have a stack of books beside her bed: one that is currently being read, and one or two on standby. I'm also a girl who absolutely does not like to have anything ugly in her room. This goes for clothes, furniture, people, bedding, art, flippy (my bedtime dolphin pal), and if I can avoid it... books.
How many times have you picked up or bought a book because the cover was just sooo precious? and in turn, how many times have you just KNOWN that a book was going to be awful because of it's drab and boring cover? i know, these struggles we deal with in life are tough.
Anyways...look no further my judgemental friends. if aesthetically appealing book covers meet your approval as much as they meet mine, puh-leeze take a lookie at what I have to show you.
regardless of whether or not the visual appearance of the books is a true reflection of the quality of literature that's inside, the book cover archive totally rules.
Peach schnapps. Babes love it.
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